Friday 26 August 2016

Burden Of Sanity Album review "Decimate"

Image result for burden of sanity          Today I listened to a band named "Burden Of Sanity" from Miami Florida. The best I could describe the genre of music they play is probably hardcore Punk with some influences of hard rock and some definite grunge. The thing I really liked about this album is the band used their music as a chance to get a message across where as many Punk bands sing about stupid cliches and getting wasted. Burden Of Sanity in no way stooped to the level of filling their music with stupid lyrics about doing drugs in high school or about how there eighth grade girl friend Susan broke their heart. The music has a layer of seriousness and reminded me slightly of Rage Against The Machine.

The first track on the album is called "MLK" and is a great intro to the album as it plays some of Martin Luther King Jr's. famous speeches to the background of a continuous synth loop before slowly the voice becomes over taken by static and we are thrown into the next song.

The next song on the album is entitled "Feel This" and it is awesome, the structure very much reminded me of the drowning pool song "Bodies" but with a new and fresh spin. The song has abrupt starts and stops to the music while the lead singer whispers the trade mark phrase from the song Feel This. The drumming is a very simple and effective pattern that combined with the guitars gradually grows and climbs as the singers vocals become stronger as the song progresses. About a third of the way into the song we are met with a toned down guitar solo of sorts as it shreds quickly and effectively while the drums keep time and make sure that our heads never stop banging even for a second.

The next song that caught my attention was "Sleep Now" which has a slower start with the drums doing the intro to the song and the song maintains it's slow tempo. What it lacks in speed it makes up for in musical capabilities. The guitarist of this band absolutely shreds throughout the entire track constantly changing volume chords with some expert distortion. The guitar in "Sleep Now" definitely makes the track.Then right near the end of the song the tempo completely changes the drums pick up as a savagely beautiful double kick beat bashes through the music and the guitar drops to a lower tempo giving the song a much more hardcore punk feel.

The last song on the album is entitled "Ease The Pain" the intro is again an off beat start that pays homage to bands like Tool but the slow intro is short lived as the guitars kick in. The tempo slightly increases but maintains a mellow sort of transleucent feel that left me feeling like I was in a trance. The drums keep an aggressive and steady beat for the entire song making sure that everyone knows when and how hard to bang their heads.

Over all it was a very good and unique album and if your a fan of Punk or have an interest in unique music I would highly recommend it. If your still on the fence about the album I've attached the sound cloud link below.

 For more posts and information follow me on Instagram @headbangersheaven

Burden Of Sanity sound cloud ----->

Headbangers Heaven Productions.
Eric Snelling.
2016 All Rights Reserved

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