Monday 1 August 2016

Mantra Debut EP "The Withered World" Album Review

Image result for mantra withered worldToday I listened to the debut EP of a UK band named Mantra. Although they didn't specify what sub genre of metal they'd like me to list them under, their music has a strong thrash metal vibe with some death metal influence so although I know thats not a genre thats what Im going to go with. The band themselves are very talented musicians and the riffs especially are done extremely well. Mantra has a distinct style that is immediately present from the first ten seconds of the EP. While many of the songs stay true to this style it would be selling the band immensely short to say that each song sounded alike. The EP is very well done and I thoroughly enjoyed listening to it, and now I'll get on with the songs.

The first track on the EP is entitled "The Withered World" so obviously with this being the title track of the record we expect it to pretty much shoulder the burden of the entire record, and shoulder it does. This song is down right awesome. Rather then toning the guitars down like many bands do to make the song sound more evil, Mantra has their guitar toned up and running a quick and brutal loop. The guitarist style actually reminded me of the early days of Iron Maiden. Thats where the connection with Iron Maiden stops though because the vocals on this song will make the hair on your arm stand up as you feel the evil coursing through your veins. Although I can't be certain what point the bands trying to get across given the name and the few words I understood it seems the song is about the world slowly dying. Whether thats a metaphor for the crappy state of the people in this world and their talentless march through life **cough ** the Kardashians **cough** or a literal analogy to how the worlds being destroyed by us numb skulled humans I dont know but what I do know is this song gets the blood flowing and the head banging.

The next song is entitled "Defilement" which is a spectacular name for a song.  The song definitely picks right back off where 'The Withered World" leaves off. The drummer is making keeping a steady and fast beat from the start as it takes on a typical thrash pattern which is expertly executed. "Defilement" is slightly heavier then "The Withered World" the guitars are tuned down much more as any presence of power metal are drowned out by the raw darkness that is emitting during this song. The growls and screams in this song are far more intense as well making the song even more heavier. The song is extremely powerful and the anger is easily heard through the voice of the vocalist.

Then we have "Our False Idols" which is you dose of irreverence as the song seems to rip through the conformity of the masses which the lyrics make quite apparent. Whoever or whatever Mantra has singled out in this song I'm glad I'm not on the receiving end of it. This song has by far the best solo on the EP it is down right amazing. Even though its super quick and leaves you wanting more the quick tuned up power solo is amazing. One thing I have to give to this band is they are amazing at maneuvering between tunings of guitars. This song simultaneously goes between the two tunings perfectly making my eyes bug out from pure amazement. And just when we think the songs over the band gives up what we want and another power solo floods our ears and brings joy to our hearts followed by an insane breakdown that will make your teeth chatter. The drummer is the true shining star of this breakdown as his rapid fire double kicks and sudden pauses make the breakdown even more amazing to listen to.

After listening to this band all I have to say is you guys have to check them out their EP is available on iTunes and ill post a link to their Youtube video where the entire EP is below.

Youtube ----->

Headbangers Heaven Productions.
2016 All Rights Reserved.
Eric Snelling.

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